Freebyrds Заброневое Воздействие КотАрсис
Копание в себе и поп-культура
Prehistoryc music reconstruction, Ancient music reconstruction, Folk, Traditional pop, Ragtime, Blues, Jazz, Swing, Rhythm and blues, Rock'n'Roll, Beat rock, Garage rock, Classic rock, Blues rock, Psycho-prog, Psychedelic rock, Prog rock, Country rock, Hard rock, Punk rock, Heavy metal, Post punk, Indie rock, New wave, Gothic rock, Funk rock, Melodic rock, Hardcore, Thrash metal, Death metal, Speed metal, Black metal, Groove metal, Grunge, Industrial, Alternative rock, Nu metal, Post grunge, Post hardcore, Prog metal, Alternative metal, Post rock, Post metal, Metalcore, Deathcore, Grindcore, Experemental rock, etc
Scott Piligrim vs. the World, The Godfather, Suck, Night on the Earth, Up in smoke, Big Lebowski, Das Cabinet der Dr. Caligari, etc
Альфред Шклярский "Томек", Роджер Желязны "Хроники Амбера", Джером Сэлинджер "Над Пропастью во Ржи"
Mighty Boosh, True Detective, The IT Crowd, Doctor Who, Nevermind The Buzzcocks, Skins, etc
"I couldn't care less" ―David Bowie
"We are all going to die!!!" ― Hugo (Suck)
"Drinking is bad. Until it's good. And then it's great." ― BdoubleO
"As long as swearing is used in context, it's fucking A!" ― James (Skins)
“People talk about escapism as if it's a bad thing... Once you've escaped, once you come back, the world is not the same as when you left it. You come back to it with skills, weapons, knowledge you didn't have before. Then you are better equipped to deal with your current reality.” ― Neil Gaiman