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Sasha Polomoshnov


Проверка страницы Polomoshnov Sasha ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 9143

  • VK ссылка:id660538740
  • О себе:A quiet high school student, constantly running away from lessons from the paeans annoying him, lives in a small apartment alone with his mother, rushing between her son, work and her boyfriend. His neighbor and classmate, a handsome athletic guy, is afraid to return home, where his father and brother beat him up. He finds shelter and warmth from his neighbors, and gradually the boys realize that they love each other…
  • Ник:polomoshnov99
  • День рождения:15.4.1999
  • Сейчас проживает в:Германия, Amerika
  • Родной город:🇺🇸 v ssha и Volgograd


Актуальный статус

To America... Liebe besiegt alles🇺🇸

Интересы и хобби

  • Интересы:

    V tsentre vnimaniya syuzheta okazyvayetsya istoriya trekh podrostkov, kotoryye okazhutsya v shkole dlya samykh prodvinutykh uchenikov ili zhe tekh, kto vyros v bogatykh sem'yakh. Glavnyye geroi etogo, prostyye rebyata, kotoryye vryad li mogut pokhvastat'sya tem, chto ikh roditeli bogachi. ispanskaya shkola prinimayet daleko nemnogikh, odnako mestnaya detvora ne ponimayet, chto novopribyvshiye ucheniki delayut v stenakh stol' rangovogo zavedeniya. Vskore davleniye privedet k nastoyashchey tragedii, kotoraya zapustit cheredu nepredskazuyemykh sobytiy. Chto zhe proizoydet? Uznayem

  • Любимая музыка:

    (OST”Игра в доктора “/“doktorspiele”)Lili 🇺🇸🎸

  • Любимые фильмы:

    Title: The Game of the Doctor Original title: Doktorspiele Produced in: Germany Category: comedy Director of Photography: Marco Petri Starring: Alexander J. Beck, Anna Beger, Zelma Louise Kossham, Catherine-Marin Enders, Ella-Maria Gollmer, Gerd Knebel, Oliver Korittke, Ivo Cortland, Dan Lennard Zebrenz, Zoya Lehmann Brief description: Shy Andi is in love with a girl named Katya. But, unfortunately, she does not breathe evenly to another guy - Bobby. And after Andy sees Bobby in the shower, he realizes that his chances are negligible. From the adult films he watched with his friend Harry, he knows that size decides everything. And the memories from his childhood, when he had to blush about the small size, have not cooled down yet. One day, the culprit of his self-doubt, Lilly's sandbox girlfriend, comes to visit. She's turning everything upside down again. And when Katya suddenly began to show interest in Andi, complete chaos begins..

  • Любимые книги:

    the name is French .Kafka.America.Kafka's biography, read today, has been studied.now thoroughly .some of its episodes are painted a little bit .almost by the clock . such intense interest. researchers to the private and sometimes intimate life of the writer .It is explained .I must think .the dark magic of his art .The difficulty of unraveling the meaning of Kafka 's is too great .parables of visions and prophecies along the sad lines of his fate.by the adversities and vicissitudes of his personal existence .Kafka's own testimony is also pushing for this.his letters and diaries .in which he sometimes gives such interpretations reasons and food .unambiguously identifying himself with the characters of his works. however, it is too much to trust such hints .in my opinion. Still, it's not worth it - the connections between Kafka's life and his work are much more complicated and indirect.Franz Kafka was born in 1883 in Prague.in a Jewish family .the house where he was born .It has survived to this day, it stands in the center of the city .a stone's throw from the famous Prague Town Hall. on the very border of the former Jewish city
