разве что в мультфильмах снимаюсь
polarities invariably impoverish the nuances of life
form follows behaviour
danju fin, noću čarli šin
perfection is arrogant, vulnerability is humanizing.
"Queer theorists see the intimate connection between biological sex and oppression, and they react by dismantling the notion of biological sex; feminists see the intimate connection between biological sex and oppression, and they react by dismantling oppression. That’s the fundamental difference between liberals and radicals; one destroys truth to avoid confronting power, and one confronts power to avoid destroying truth" (genderdetective)
Самой радикальной и единственно надежной формой обладания является разрушение, ибо только то, что нами разрушено, является навечно и определенно нашим. (Ханна Арендт)