О себе:Music/Session/Mixing:
"Yes, I'm a liar. I cheat, I steal.
And with the devil I made my deal.
I've got hell to pay." (c) Killwhitneydead - I'm Just One Girl, I Can't Fuck The Whole World (2007 Hell To Pay)
"My life is served on a plate for all of you to eat" (c) Dave Williams
They call me Jesus
Lord of Woe
Built upon lies and broken trust
Актуальный статус
Conjure my evil spirits, embed in holy ghost
Интересы и хобби
With Ink Instead Of Blood, Coated With Filth, Grimed
Любимые цитаты:
"One day I will be a better man" (c) Dave Williams "Holy man, keep your revelations to yourself" (c) Josh Middleton