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Stef Adriaenssens

Был в онлайне 07 декабря 2024 в 07:36:00

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Число подписчиков: 585

  • VK ссылка:id269292630
  • Ник:steffloraldesign
  • День рождения:25.4.1963
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Lier
  • Родной город:Beerse
  • Личный вэб-сайт:www.floristic.com
  • Главное в людях:ум и креативность
  • Отношение к курению:негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:нейтральное


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    International Floral Designer, , teacher and author of the European Floral Design Education (EFDE) and the European Floral Design Master Education (EFDME) . The manner to which Stef approaches different forms of art in his floral projects can surely be called ground-breaking. Thanks to a good cooperation with likeminded artists from other art disciplines, he creates synergy. The unique installations and floral/plant designs of Adriaenssens look almost like installations in modern art museums. Blending the unexpected with classical shapes and clean lines, his work is genuine art. Adriaenssens began his path as a floral artist when he was a child, fascinated by his parents’ flower shop. He honed his style after his work with various floral art magazines brought him into contact with a broad range of professionals. The style of Stef in two words: pure aesthetics. Stef’s focus and time are now dedicated to teaching his EFDE &EFDME and event decoration all over the world with a specialisation in Russia and China as well as International floral demonstrations. Workshops and seminars are his core business and teaching with private schools in Belgium, Russia and China have become second nature to him. Experiencing how many young florists have to give up their floral dreams because of lack of knowledge, made him devellop his own floral education system which is a combination of 32 years of floral experience and the analysis of all great floral educations in the world. Knowledge is power. Power to survive! Not only the technical aspects that are necessary to survive in this beautiful profession but also the adminstrative, legal and accountancy issues which are even more important if you want to be successful! www.floristic.com stef@floristic.com

  • Интересы:

    flower arranging, cooking

Опыт работы и образование

    • Stef Adriaenssens International Floral Design EFDE
    • CEO, founder,
    • 1986
