О себе:Абсолютная чемпионка Arnold Classic, абсолютная чемпионка России, двукратная абсолютная чемпионка Северо-Запада России, неоднократная чемпионка российских турниров, неоднократный призер международных турниров.
Overall fitness bikini Champion. Arnold Classic Europe (Madrid, Spain), October 2013
5th place. IFBB World Women's Championships, (Kiev, Ukraine), October 2013
1st place. Russian Bodybuilding, bodyfitness and fitness bikini Championships, October 2013
Overall of champion. Russian Bodybuilding, bodyfitness and fitness bikini Championships, October 2012
Overall of championship of the North-West of Russia on bodybuilding October 2013, Аpril 2012