Human Resources, Marketing, Organization Development
Business, politics, psychology, tennis
Million Dollars Baby, Se7en, Shindlers List, Orchid, Sex and the city, The Hitch, The Terminal, Cheaper by the dozen
Жить Здорово, Республика с Анной Безулик, National Geographic Channel, Dog Whisperer
Lack of something to feel important about almost the greatest tragedy a man may have.
When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Money and success can not change people they merely amplify what is alreagy there.
Life is pretty simple. You do some stuff.Most falls, some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, they quickly copy it.Then you do smth else.
The trick is in doing something else!!!!!
Girls love the ears .... And ears like diamonds:)