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Татьяна Непомнящих

Была в онлайне 20 октября 2024 в 12:52:09

Проверка страницы Непомнящих Татьяны ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 271

  • VK ссылка:id88151768
  • О себе:TATIANA Origin of the name Tatiana: This name comes from the Latin Tatius - Sabinsky behalf of the king. According to another version of the same, Tatiana - the Greek origin: The host, the founder. . Name Meaning: Since childhood, Tanya is different emotion and at the same time the ability to stand up for themselves, pragmatic and principled, although its principles may vary depending on the mood. In a circle of peers trying to be a leader. In school, attend sports clubs, dance club, dancing - a weak point of many Tatiana. Weary of the monotony. Adult Tatiana quite stubborn and imperious, knows what she wants and does not like opposition. She always try to insist on his. Coped well with any work, especially if it occurs directly in front of a superior; itself a head, has a habit of pull down his subordinates, "put" them in place. In public, artistic, self-centered, loves male company. At home a few despotic, shouting at home. In family life is often miserable, as tends to lead both the husband and wants next to her was strong, courageous man. Children are a little afraid of Tatiana: It is strictly and hot-tempered, may no particular reason to shout at them. She did not have very many friends, it is alien sentimentality, in relations with others, including in-law, is dominated by a pragmatic approach. She likes to dress fashionably, but not having a great imagination, pays, usually a lot of money for clothing. A lover of home canning, thrifty. The family often initiates repairs, alterations, rearrangements of furniture. With age, the nature of these women will have greater tolerance, which favorably affects the family relationships. He does not like complaining girlfriend "to life". Jealous, but stubbornly conceal his jealousy. He can not stand the monotony, the long journeys, travels - her passion. Among all Tatyanas very quiet with middle name - M., gifted and pretty quiet - V., a very stubborn - N..
  • Ник:nepomka30
  • День рождения:20.10.1975
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Саянск
  • Родной город:Ангарск
  • Политические взгляды:коммунистические


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:


  • Интересы:


  • Любимая музыка:


  • Любимые фильмы:

    "Глухарь", "Бандитский Питербург", "Бригада".))

  • Любимые книги:

    "Война и мир", "Мастер и Маргарита"

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Дом 2)))

  • Любимые цитаты:

    Не имей 100 рублей ,а имей 100 друзей))
    А мне нужен один дружище,который может дать 1000=))

Опыт работы и образование

  • БГУЭП (бывш. ИГЭА)'00
  • Мировой экономики
  • Мировой экономики
  • Очное отделение
  • Выпускница (специалист)
  • Школа № 4'93
  • 1982–1993


  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #1
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #2
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #3
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #4
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #5
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #6
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #7
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #8
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #9
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #10
  • Татьяна Непомнящих фотография #11