"12 angry men", "the perks of being a wallflower", "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", "interstate 60", "into the wild", "hair", "кин-дза-дза!", "easy rider", "dead poets society", "mr. nobody", "the rocky horror picture show", "monty python and holy grail", "catch me if you can", "man on the moon", "the talented mr. ripley", "whiplash", "pulp fiction", "billy elliot", "lock, stock and two smoking barrels", "following", "жизнь других"
Э. Эбботт "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions", Оруэлл "Animal farm", Ремарк, "Alice in Wonderland", Тур Хейердал
‘daria’, 'dexter', ‘boston legal’, ‘how i met your mother’, 'californication', ‘scrubs’, 'true detective’