My name is Vlad... I was born in Russia, and I moved to the United States when I was seven... My hometown city is Krasnoyarsk.. My current city is Hemet, Ca
I love to rap, and write poetry.... Also, play basketball with the homies at the park.....
Rap, Hip-Hop... Eminem, Hopsin, Tech Nine, B.O.B., Tupac, Drake, Lil Wayne, Tyga, Guf, and Basta....... Favorite songs...: Hopsin- Where Will I Go.....
21 Jump Street, Wrong Turn 1-4, 8 Mile, and many more aha.....
Psych, Ghost Adventures, Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Ghost Whisperer, and Family Guy.
Trapped Inside A Psychos Body
Careful with the bag, I told you to get a belt your pants will sag.Take off the dog tag, okay okay don't drag. This is the 5th one this week, I cant sneak more bodies to the cemetery, I gotta plan out a strong technique. My apartment is a mess all this stress I got more weight on my chest then 1000 pounds of bench press. Then I got to go to church and confess to the pastor about my mess, I rather die and burn in hell, then getting bless. Here give the Devil my address. They say work hard play hard, I have to do that every single yard. Im not as crazy as Hopsin, but Im sure I will be going to the mental institution first, I knew I got cursed by my step mom, I hope you die from thirst. When I was in need you threw me on my knees and scraped them till they bleed. But now who's in need I told you this would happen, don't ask for me to feed. I'm tired of killing people, were all supposed to be equal. In the end we all are gonna meet god who's medieval, and the devil who is evil. Your gonna go through paths of hell and heaven, don't you smell that burned skin that fell off the bodies, oh you hear them yell. Cant control the situation, all this temptation to kill in my donation, dedication, killed all the people in the mental retardation. Then wake up, see a bloody lake I must of killed them, or this is a dream come on awake, for goodness sake. Lali lali Im at a party, with a psycho trapped inside my body. Killing me inside, theres no place to hide. My bad and good will collide... There is no side. Come psycho come out outside. At loud I cried. Hear the clock tick, as I glide... Time to restock, scary moments heart beat with shock. On no!!.... Its midnight 12 O'clock. I hear demons talk inside my head, I dont know if the voices are alive or dead. Its to late the demons have spread everywhere, they are ahead.