об этом я подумаю завтра.
if you love him set him free, if he comes back it yours forever, if he doesn't it was never yours to begin with
mistakes are Ok, everybody makes them
it is for me to know and for you to find out...
if life throws you lemon , cane sugar and crushed ice ... you should make a caipiroska ...
life's a bitch you will never get out from it alive...
j'ai mes principes et si vous ne les aimez pas ... et bien j'en ai d'autres ...
je sais que je plais pas a tout le monde , mais quand je vois a qui je plais pas , je me demande si ca me derange vraiment ...
Life is short.. break the rules, forgive sooner, kiss slow, love sincerely, laugh like there is no tomorrow, and never regret about what makes you smile!!:)
Love is like dark chocolate...
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