Гроздья Гнева, Пролетая Над Гнездом Кукушки, 1984, Моби Дик
Человек без недостатков, всё равно что невинная шлюха.
"These days I don't know
The people I'm supposed to trust
And I don't trust these motherfuckers
That I'm supposed to know"
Rody Walker, Protest The Hero.
"I'm riding on a dolphin, doin' flips & shit"
"I'm The Shallow, The Superficial. I'm The Common Man. Faithless, Narrow Minded, Indifferent, Impassive." Jens Kidman, Meshuggah
"I don't know what I fear
The most
What I am
Or what I'm not
Too proud
Too ashamed
With myself" Ihsahn
"We are so independent and useless and hollow
We are all so inglorious, worthless and hollow" Daniel Tompkins, Tesseract