つよし なかさこ
Был в онлайне 13 августа 2015 в 07:29:34
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Число подписчиков: 37
- VK ссылка:id288186985
- О себе:I'm japanese but I'm Ukraine & Japan mixed blood.
Cause My grandmother is Ukrainian.
When I was a kid grew up in South Africa.
my personality is quiet.
i'm not good man. but also i'm not bad man.
just i'm normal a man.
My job is fighter pilot.
Fighter pilot is very dangerous job.
Sometimes I am afraid. cause i am human.
In Iraq war and I saw the Iraq children. I did not drop the missile. After disobedience and went to military jail. But I drop love in Iraq for children. I do not regret about this.
- День рождения:21.7.1987
- Сейчас проживает в:, Tokyo