But the sun, it is a sunset and a rising sun all the time. When he went down the mountain to collect all the desolate afterglow, it was just when he climbed to the top of the mountain burning on the other side. On that day, I will also go down the mountain quietly and hold my crutch. One day, in a certain ravine, a happy child is bound to run up and hold his toy. Of course, that's not me. But isn't that me? -excerpt from the end of "I and Ditan"但是太阳,它永远是日落和旭日。当他下山去收集所有荒凉的余晖时,正好是他爬到山顶另一边燃烧的时候。那一天,我也会悄悄下山,拄着拐杖。有一天,在某个山沟里,一个快乐的孩子一定会跑上来抱着他的玩具。当然,那不是我。但那不是我吗?——摘自《我和地坛》结尾