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Raivo Priede

Был в онлайне 02 января 2024 в 08:05:26

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Число подписчиков: 56

  • VK ссылка:id44681918
  • О себе:Dear Girls (from us guys)... *Don't assume that guys won't care where you are, because we do. It makes us feel secure to know that our girlfriends aren't off flirting with guys we've never heard of. *Also, don't talk about your ex-boyfriends. We never have, nor ever will respect or like them, nor do we want to hear about them. When you do, you're asking your boyfriend to be jealous. You're asking your boyfriend to lose trust. *On that, don't hump everything that walks into the room. We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. *Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me. *Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Smile and say "thank you." Let us pay for you. Don't "feel bad." We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say - everybody together now - "thank you." *Kiss us when no one's watching. If you kiss us when you know nobody's looking we'll be more impressed. *You don't have to get dressed up for us. If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have, put on every kind of makeup you own. We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are. *Don't flirt with guys when we're not around. We'll find out. Trust us. We have eyes everywhere. And when we find out, we're pissed. Not necessarily with the guys you flirted with, more-so with you. *Don't take everything we say seriously. Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it. Don't get angry easily. Stop using magazines/media as your bible. *Don't talk about how hot Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt is in front of us. It's boring, and we don't care. You have girlfriends for that. **Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, don't wait for him to change. Ditch his sorry, disgrace-to-the-male-population ass, and find someone who will treat you with utter respect. Someone who will honor your morals. Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest. 1.It's important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks from time to time, cleans up, and has a job. 2.It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh. 3.It's important to have a woman who you can trust, ...and doesn't lie to you. 4.It's important to have a woman who is good in bed, and likes to be with you. 5.It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other.
  • Ник:r.priede
  • День рождения:13.2.1990
  • Сейчас проживает в:, New York City
  • Родной город:NewYork
  • Политические взгляды:коммунистические
  • Религиозные убеждения:Islam


Интересы и хобби

  • Интересы:

    If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will

  • Любимые цитаты:

    -Hi. Where are you from ? -Hi. I from Egypt .And you ? -I from Zimbabwe . -pizdish. -chestnoe slovo

    - Скажи честно, я потолстела? - Честно? - Ты заебала!

    Captain! There are some homosexuals on our boat? - Really? Who are they? -Gimme a kiss and ill tell you :P

    1 километр за хлебом - далеко ... 2 километра за пивом - рукой подать...

    The best way to remember your loved woman's birthday is to forget it once.

    To wake your girl up quickly. Call her in a different girls name in the morning.

    Bro do you love your mom or your dad? -Thing is my dad loves my mom and i don't get into their business...

    Деньги точно не зло - зло так быстро не исчезает

    Дорогой, что это за сучка с тобой на фото?.. - Сестра. - Ой,такая милая

    WORK like you dont need money...LOVE like you`ve never been hurt...and DANCE like no one`s looking...

    Теперь я поняла, почему в старших классах не пишут сочинение "Что я делала летом"

    -Пошёл вон! - За что??? - За дверь! -Да почему??? -По полу!!!

    When you walk out of your house thinking you got everything and as soon as you get outside....shit, I left my key's upstairs.

    Mom: Why are you pregnant?
    Daughter: This is our project in college about Miracle of Life
    Mom: Tell me who is he?
    Daughter: I dont know, it was a group project

    There's always a little truth behind every "just kidding".
    A little knowledge behind every "I don't know"
    A little emotion behind every "I don't care"
    And a little pain behind every "it's okay"

    girl:lets just breakup.boy:ok then, ill just go back to my ex
    then.girl:wow ur a idiot. we're totally over, nextday..boy:i still love u
    girl:i thought we breakup? & u said u would go back to ur ex right?
    boy:exactly, im coming back to you

    Волк, Заяц и Хомяк решили ехать в Китай. Волк: - Меня в Китае будут звать Братец Вуй! -Заяц:А меня, Братец Зуй. Хомяк :я наверно не поеду

    Сидит Kарлсон и плачет. Малыш спрашивает –Почему плачешь? – Да вот штанишки улетели,с пропеллером – Ну и х.й с ними – Ну а я про что!

    Sex is like NOKIA(conecting people), like NIKE (just do it), like PEPSI (ask for more), like Coca-Cola (enjoy it) MC-Donald's(i'm lovin' it)

    Настоящий мужчина - это тот, который может не только красиво раздеть, но и хорошо одеть...

    Статистика: мужчины занимаются сексом 1,5 раза чаще, чем женщины. Вопрос: С кем?

    Мужчина должен любить трёх девушек.1.ту которая родила его.2ту которая родит ему.3.и ту которая родится у него.

    We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?

    The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in.

    Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

    Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in track pants, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her"....

    Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it.

    Loving someone doesnt need a reason. If you can explain why you love someone, its not called "Love"... its
    called "Like"

Опыт работы и образование

  • New York Insitute of Technology
  • School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
  • Очное отделение
  • Абитуриент
  • Abraham Lincoln High School'11
  • 2007–2011


  • Raivo Priede фотография #1
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